Not an actual grain it is especially nutrient rich and is one of the most protein rich foods we can eat, containing all the essential amino acids the body needs for tissues growth and repair.
It has the properties of a high-energy food and the attributes of a healthy diet packed with nutrients.
It contains the “good” fats and complex carbohydrates (the satisfying and health promoting kind).
Contains high levels of trace minerals and antioxidant anti-inflammatory phytonutrients.
It is an excellent source of manganese, a very good source of magnesium, and a good source of folate, health supportive fats and antioxidant, anti-inflammatory phytonutrients.

Kiwicha (Amaranth)
Indean cultures have used this small grain medicinally for centuries.
It has a high protein content and is high in the essential amino-acids lysine (aids in development of brain cells) and methionine (used in metabolism of insulin) and traditionally known to provide basic nutrition for neurons in the brain and the central nervous system.
Contains the essential fatty acids Omega 3, Omega 6, and Omega 9.
It helps to reinforce the immune system and provides high-quality dietary fibre, vitamins A, C, E and B complex and minerals, which include calcium, iron and zinc and squalene, an oil which is excellent for the skin.
Traditionally used as a tonic, to regulate menstruation, overcome pre-menstrual tension and stress, to decrease yeast overgrowth, and benefits congested lungs.

A seed from the same family as quinoa (so its not a grain).
The Inca kept all the Kañiwa for his family and proclaimed it a royal food.
Traditionally used to treat anaemia and resist parasitic infections.
Known to be supercharged with B Vitamins, iron, fibre, protein, omega-3 fatty acids and a wide range of minerals, including calcium, iron and phosphorus and anti-oxidant flavonoids.

Algarrobo (Mesquite)
Used as a staple food for centuries by desert dwellers, this high protein flour contains good quantities of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc, and is rich in the amino acid lysine.
Traditionally known for helping to control blood pressure due to its low sodium and high potassium levels.
Contains complex carbohydrates (the good ones) and high levels of soluble fibre that digests slowly and balances blood sugar levels.
Can soothe the stomach and helps with stomach ailments.
It is fortifying and revitalising, and creates a protective coating over inflamed mucus membranes providing protection against irritants and toxin absorption.


A root that is one of the highest altitude growing plants in the world.
In order for these plants to survive and thrive in high altitudes, they have developed protective phytonutrients (phytochemicals) and these nutrients condensed in this little root, gives us the high nutritional value.
Inca Warriors and Ancient Andean Communities found it a vital ingredient for health, stamina and endurance for 1000’s of years.
Major tonic effects on the biochemical function of the body.
An ancient wonder that can balance the function of all glands and hormones that regulates and enhance fertility, sexual function, digestion and the brain and nervous systems.
It contains no hormones itself so it cannot overstimulate, but just works with the endocrine system to bring balance back to your body naturally.
It is a natural adaptogen, which means it can help the body to defend against stress, trauma, anxiety and fatigue.
Optimises health and remineralises the body.